What’s the Meaning of Kingdom of God
The Holy Spirit Come on Us means the Kingdom of God Come to us. The coming of the kingdom of God is invisible (Luke 17:20-21)
Firstly, we cannot see the Holy Spirit by our eyes, so the world cannot receive the Holy Spirit because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. Only when the Hoy spirit lives in us, can we know Him because He dwells with us all the time. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, then the Ho-ly Spirit abide in him. So Jesus said: The kingdom of God is in you.
(Luke 17:20-21) Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God dose not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ Or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.
Secondly, The Holy Spirit is given by God and is a helper that Jesus pray the Father to give us. We can’t know when the Father will give us the Holy Spirit. Some people receive the Holy Spirit as soon as they hear the truth, like the family of Cornelius. Some receive the Holy Spirit when they pray after they are baptized in the living water, just like believers in Ephesus. Some receive the Holy Spirit after they are baptized for a while, just like the believers in Samaria. Therefore,
although Jesus commanded his disciples to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, Jesus did not tell them the exact date. He only told them: After you receive the Holy Spirit, you will go to the end of the earth to testify of me.
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How to Pray for the Holy Spirit (Luck 11:5-13)
(1) Be earnestly. When we pray for the Holy Spirit, we must hunger and thirst for righteousness, as the deer pants for the water brooks. (2) Be persistently. Speak out during prayer, just like son be
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Why God Command Moses to build the earthly Tabernacle
Top. It is the copy and shadow for the one in the heaven. It is the preparation for the heavenly one fulfilled by Jesus. The way of salvation is already there in the beginning. Before Jesus come, God
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