The Holy Spirit Is Revealed To Receive The Gospel Truth
The Holy Spirit is Revealed to Receive the Gospel Truth
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
On 26th March, we were talking to two pastors from other cities when an old Pentecostal pastor in Dar es Salaam came to visit us.After listening to our sharing Gospel Of Truth, the old shepherd thought that what we were saying was true . But he was afraid that if he accepted this Gospel Of Truth , his old church would exclude him and even take him to court. So he hesitated.We encourage him to look for Jesus Christ and not to be afraid of men.Later when we went to baptize one of the pastors, the old pastors followed us to theseashore, God revealed to him in his heart that this baptism was the right。
After being baptized, we came back to the inn and prayed together for the Holy Spirit.
For the first time, we prayed that God would reveal to him: Obey the Gospel preached by the prophets.
After the third prayer, he said we were right. Let's go to the religious coordinators in Tanzania and tell them the truth so that churches all over the country can receive the truth.
In the fifth prayer, he told us that he had seen us in a vision before he had seen us in the morning when he went out and was speaking the truth of the Gospel. He thought God had something to say to him, so he came to listen and found that what we were saying was completely in accordance with the teaching of Jesus in the Bible.Thank God, who has revealed to him again and again that he wants to return to the faith of Jesus, and that we should obey the Holy Spirit so that we may have the blessing of God. Amen.
True Jesus Church Tanzania Church
Witness time: 27th March , 2020
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
First left: Ezekiel the Old shepherd
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