To Be Baptized Correctly
To be Baptized correctly
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
On 29th March, we preached the truth to Vilot, and there were more than 300 believers, When Vilot became pregnant ,no more preachers feed, many believer have left, and right now there are about eighty belivers here, we will encourage her, as long as we preach truth, God will lead us, after preach the truth ,some brothers and sisters expressed their willingness to be baptized correctly.
Because this church is on the mountain, if you want to go to be baptized, to take more than half an hour of motorcycle down the mountain, and then from the mountain to take car to the beach to be baptized in the raining ,it takes two hours.
By the time we got to the beach to baptism , it was getting late, by the sea, God
has prepared a shed where we wash our feet
and pray to the Holy Spirit. Fifteen
men were baptized that day, and one of them was a priest. When we first pray for
the Holy Spirit, two brothers and sisters
received the Holy Spirit. When they pray for the Holy Spirit the second time, the two
sisters prayed in their original dialect,and satan came to disturb them and attacked
them. They fell to the ground, andtogether we cast out demons in the name of
Jesus and told them to confess their SINS and not to pray in their original wrong
dialect. After that we asked the HolySpirit a third time, and the devil went out; and three other brethren and sisters received the Holy Spirit. After the baptism brothers and sisters received the truth, thank and praise the Lord.
True Jesus Church in Tanzania
Witness time: 30th, March 2020
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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