
Thank God For Giving Me This Opportunity

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2020-02-03 20:42:26 China Testimony1901125

Testimony 20. The Light of Life

In the name of the Lord Jesus I testify,

My name is Li Fengmei and I am 43 years old (born in January 1969). I am from True Jesus Church HanJiang church and thank God for giving me this opportunity to testify the power and love of the true God Jesus.

1. A terrible incidence before I believe

At 11pm on 18 November 2010, I was riding a electrical bike on the road with my son, who was 18, sat behind. A car hit us at a cross road and I fainted immediately. I was as dead as a vegetable at that time so the doctor said “There is no way to save her. Just take her back home.” My family as not willing to, so they kept asking doctors to save me. They even kneed down before doctors. The hospital thought might as well just keep me there. The hospital kept sending death notices to my family every day because my liver, kidney and bladder were all damaged. I had incontinence and stopping of menstruation. Doctors conducted several operations on me for my liver, kidney and bladder. Also they did an operation for my hydrocephalus and even till now there is a tube inside my brain for treating this symptom.

I spent four months in HanJiang Hospital. Although I was alive, I became a person who could not take care of myself. I had incontinence and I lost my hearing and taste. I could not even hold chopsticks. I had difficulties talking and remembering. I even forgot my birthday. What was worse was that I could only see my right side in the front but not my left side. I could not see my whole body in the mirror. I felt dizzy every day and I had no concept about time. The world outside meant nothing to me! My mother sought lots of superstitions for me, hoping I could become better, but they were useless.

2. True God chose me

Because I had no concept of eating (I did not know when I should eat), I often cried for hunger. A colleague later gave me a note that had a phone number and said “If you feel hungry, just call this number and you will have food to eat.”

A day, I felt very hungry and I rang the phone. I carefully pushed the buttons in case that I rang the wrong number; however, I still rang a wrong number. A man picked up the phone and he heard I want to buy food. He initially thought I was speaking nonsense and grew impatient. Later after more calls he understood my situation and wanted to take me to the church because Jesus can help me. I had no idea what a church is at that time, but two of his words I cannot forget “I will take you to a God, a great God and only Him can save you.” “I must bring you to the church otherwise you will never go.” Later he came and took me to the church. There were brothers and sisters came to take care of me.

Now that I think, this was the leading and helping from God. Because I had impairment of eyesight, I rang the wrong number and it happened to be a brother from TJC picked up the phone. Then he brought me to the church after he understood my situation. Furthermore, when he came to my house, there was no one with me in the house for otherwise my family would oppose him. Later the church called me to show concern and encourage me to pray more. Thank God that Sis. Jingfang took me to church every time and took me back as well.

3. Baptized and became the child of God

I started to observe Sabbath since October 2011. I often fainted when I was walking before baptism. Thank God our merciful Father, I have not fainted once when Sis. Jingfang came and picked up to the church. This also strengthened my faith. Although I did not know much words of God, I hoped I can get baptized and became the child of God.

Thank God on 22 April 2012, after I understood more teaching of the salvation, church agreed to baptize me. I am truly thankful and excited!

Unbelievably, I recovered very quick after baptism. I could start to take care of myself and lots of people around me were amazed. In the past I could not even hold chopsticks nor spoke clearly while I could go out and buy things after baptism. On a Sabbath in October 2012, I was sitting on the pew singing hymns with others. When I was singing the Hymn 313 “The Light of the World is Jesus”, amazingly, the podium became bright after I rose up my head for I finished the hymn. I thought the light was switched on so I told the person beside me “The podium became bright.” But she said there was no light. Originally, I could only see the right side of the podium, but I could see the whole image after the hymn. I knew that God healed my sight.

I used to need people to help me to go up and downstairs, especially go to toilet during the service. But after that Sabbath, God gave me sight again which is just like what is said in the Hymn 313 “The Light of the world is Jesus.” I feel thankful that Jesus not only healed my physical eyesight, but also He became the light of my heart that leads my way!

Now my body condition recovered and I had the opportunity to serve God in the church. I am truly thankful! Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jn 14:6) I hope more people will come and know this one true God so that through Him, can ones inherit the blessing of eternity! Hallelujah, amen!

Sis. Li Fengmei

True Jesus Church PuTian, HanJiang Church


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