God Prepare Church Building After Receiving True Gospel
Testify in the holy name of Lord Jesus:
Thank for the grace from God. Holy Spirit guide us to proclaim the gospel in Butengwa of Shinyanga. By the grace and caring from Holy Spirit, church is built up here. All believers and truth seekers gather in the empty ground located in the forest, in the middle part of the villiage.
Several days ago, local pastors in Tanzannia have discussed with us if we could support to build church construction. We encourage them with local workers and brethren to make joint effort to preach truth of gospel, entrusting church construction to God in prayer. God will prepare the place as demanded. There is always preparation in theLord.
Yesterday afternoon after pastor Fortunatus came back from the baptism, he shared With us rejoicefully that there was a new believer receiving water baptism and Holy spirit, willing to offer his house to church as the place of gathering whose capacity is 200+ people.
Pastor Fortunatus shared the testimony as below:
This afternoon when I was in the job( driving motor bike to carry passengers),I heard a voice from the heart speaking to me:“Go and preach gospel”.
From morning till the moment of hearing the voice, I haven't eaten anything. But when I heard the voice, I at once prepared to go for preaching.
When I moved forward on the way where I saw a house. Then I spoke to God:" God, please save the owner of the house, lead him to worship and pray to you."
Then I entered and looked for the house owner, preaching ten commandments and five righteousness to him( Revelation14:12). This house owner accepted the true message then we went to the river and baptize him with living water. Also the feet washing and Holy Communion were conducted. After that I led him to pray for Holy Spirit and he received the Holy Spirit immediately. Thank God!
Afterwards, he said he was willing to offer the house to this new church where can be seated by around 200 people which previously was a machine factory.
Lord Jesus is truely full of ability. All glory be to God. Hallelujah,Amen."
Yesterday afternoon, several pastors coworked and came another new coupe who accepted the truth and was baptized into truth.
May God continue leading the proclaimation of the gospel so the Word of God spread with more plentyful and abundant grace. Brethren preach gospel with one mind. Hallelujah, Amen!
True Jesus Church Tanzannia Church
Place: Shinyanga Tanzannia
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The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says: “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on
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