
And God Gave Me The Holy Spirit Again, And God Rebuked The Devil, And The Devil Cried Out And Left, And The Holy Spirit Helped Me,

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2021-04-21 09:54:09 China Testimony1603554

[Gospel Testimony: I realized the importance of prayer in tongues, and God gave me the Holy Spirit again, and God rebuked the devil, and the devil cried out and left, and the Holy Spirit helped me, lifted me and led me, 2020:20]

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to share testimony:

After listening to the true message of the True Jesus church, I felt that what was being preached here was the true and true Gospel, and that only by believing in this truth could we be truly saved and enter the kingdom of God that is beyond all glory.

So I believed what was preached by the True Jesus Church, was pure and perfect, fully in accordance with the Bible, kept the Ten Commandments, followed the truth Gospel of salvation, and decided to accept the Five Righteousness and be re-baptized in accordance with the Bible.

I got in touch with the True Jesus Church in Shanghai. On May 7, 2020, the True Jesus Church arranged for brothers to come to our local area and baptized me. That day I prayed to the Holy Spirit and was overjoyed.

But because I did not understand the principle of prayer in tongues, I did not pray in tongues after I asked for the Holy Spirit. From baptism to now, more than two months later, I have been praying with understanding.

In the process of listening to the Gospel, I understand that prayer in tongues is one of the Five Righteousness of the Lord Jesus' salvation. Prayer in tongues is Jesus' prayer for us. Without prayer in tongues, there is no renewal of life, no eternal life, and no entry into the kingdom of God.

Knowing the importance of prayer in tongues, I longed to pray in tongues, only to find that the Holy Spirit had left and could no longer pray in tongues.

I was very sad and anxious. In my eagerness, I sent this message to the True Jesus Church and asked the brothers and sisters of the True Jesus Church to pray for me. I also asked Sister Wu to pray for me.I made a covenant together in my own house to ask the Holy Spirit for me in the holy name of the Lord Jesus.

After the common urgent prayer, thank the Lord grace, the Lord has mercy on me, gave me the precious Holy Spirit again. I will cherish this rich anointing which the Lord has given me again. I will pray every day in in new tongues so that I may renew my life through the power of the Holy Spirit and be close to the Lord every day, guided by the Holy Spirit, neither to the left nor to the right, to walk in the truth of the Lord.

In n new tongues prayer, I confess and repent, and pray for the purity of the Lord's blood. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I cast out demons. I thank the Lord for listening to my cry, rebuking and striking evil spirits, and ordering them never to return.

The devil wailed, "We can no longer bear it. We will all quit. We will all quit."

The Lord said, "Stop destroying my people. She is my child, she is my children. I will have pity on her, have compassion on her and help her. I will make her preach the good news..."

I said, "Thank you, Lord, for saving me! Praise the Lord Jesus, praise the Lord Jesus, You are my Savior, You are my Savior, Amen! You are my Savior!Amen!..."

The Lord also told me to thank Sister Wu Jiao Ping for her help in pray and to help her with testimony. Then the Holy Spirit moved me to dance and sing spiritual songs in praise of the Lord, and I was overjoyed.

I thank the Lord for his abundant grace, for giving me his precious Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord for his love and mercy, for bleeding and laying down his life on the cross and redeeming us as filthy sinners. This salvation is freely given to us. If we come to Him in faith and repent, the Lord will not leave us and give us salvation so that we may have eternal life.

Then call upon me, and pray unto me, and I will answer you. You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all your heart."(Jeremiah 29:12-13)

The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17)

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.2 Corinthians 13:14

Let us be faith-based, always trusting in the Lord, obedient to the Holy Spirit, doing our duty diligently to the work of the Lord.

All glory and honor and praise be to our heavenly Father and to our Lord Jesus Christ.Thank you and praise the Lord!Hallelujah!Amen!

True Jesus church

Sister Wang Zhi Fang

July 22, 2020


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