
Hear The Gospel Of Salvation And Believed, We Were Sealed With That Holy Spirit Of Promise

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2020-11-02 14:33:35 Global Testimony1764670

Hear the Gospel of Salvation and Believed, We were Sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise,

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

On The 6th of April, we preached in Arusha. There was a preacher in Arusha who listened to the truth of our Gospel and invited us to go to his church and tell his brothers and sisters about this salvation.Every day for three days, at four o 'clock in the afternoon, the brothers and sisters would gather to hear the Gospel, and after each sharing, The Arnest evangelist would be very gracious to us and prepare us rich food.On the morning of the third day, April 8, they decided to accept baptism.There is another preacher, Vincent, who is going to hear the Gospel with Arnest, and he's going to come and be baptized correctly with them.

And when they were baptized, when the two ministers came up out of the water, the HolySpirit came upon them, and they stood in the water and prayed, and talked in new tongues . Arnrst tells us that the moment he came out of the water, a powerful force poured on him and he became light. The next day he told us that his English had improved

since he had received the Holy Spirit, and that last night he had a dream in which he

spoke English. Vencent tells us that when he was baptized out of the water, it was a

power pulled him out of the water, and then he saw the white light.

Six more brothers and sisters were baptized correctly.We went back to the church for foot washing and Holy Communion, and we asked for the Holy Spirit. The first time we asked for the Holy Spirit, and three of us received it, and the second time we asked for the

Holy Spirit, and two of us received it.There were eight brothers and sisters baptized that day, including the preacher, and seven brothers and sisters who received the Holy Spirit.

The last brother did not receive the Holy Spirit, but he said he pray for the Holy Spirit

with great joy and peace in his heart.

Eph1:13-14[KJV]In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

[KJV]Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

If we hear the truth of the Gospel and believe in Jesus, then we will be able to receive the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is truth.Thank the Lord, and all glory to Jesus Christ.

True Jesus Church Tanzania Church

Witness time: April 11, 2020

Witness place: Arusha, Tanzania


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