Paul Passed Through To Troas, Seven Days There, Gathered Everyday
But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas, where we stayed seven days. On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. (Acts 20:6-7 NIV)
Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. (Acts 20:11 NIV)
1,Paul passed through Troas and lived there for seven days. On the way to Troas, he spent five days. On Monday he left Troas which mean Paul totally spent twelve days.
(1) Paul left Philippi on Wednesday. He spent five days on the road( including Sabbath day and Sunday).
(2) Paul arrived at Troas on Monday and stayed in Troas for seven days( including Sabbath day and Sunday).
(3) Paul left Troas on Monday.
2, Paul stayed in Troas and met with Troas believers, living there for seven days. It meaned in the days of Troas they gatheres everyday.
3, Since Paul needed leave on Monday, they gathered in whole night of Sunday until Monday. On the night of Sunday is Monday. Since the time of a day has night firstly, then the daytime.
4, Apostle church preached gospel, normally everyday it has baptism and the breaking of breads. Here it told us since Paul needed leave on Monday, they gathered for whole night. During gathering, they had the breaking of bread everytime.
Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. (Acts 5:42 NIV)
5, The breaking of bread here refers to receive the Holy Communion. Bible is to use the words "breaking of bread "to point to the Holy Communion.
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, (Acts 2:46 NIV)
6, Some people said Paul changed Sabbath day to Sunday gathering. This understanding is wrong. Gathering on Sunday is a pass-by gathering. Since Paul needed leave on the second day, they gathered the whole night of Sunday. They gatherd both on Sunday and Monday. Then it happend a testimony of the dead ressurrected from death. The very significant purpose of stating the gathering whole night on Sunday is to tell this testimony.
Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!” Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted. (Acts 20:9-12 NIV)
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To Know True Church
What is church? Whoever baptized in living water and by the Holy Spirit is church. When was the church founded? The church was established at Pentecost when the disciples received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the fundamental symbol of the church. The golden lampstand in the sanctuary is light
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Understand The Truth Of Receiving The Holy Spirit According To The Bible
Paul said, "John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people that they should believe in him who would come after him, that is, in Jesus." When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and t
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