
Malawi People Saw Vision In Heaven

Truth Testimony Baptism
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2019-10-28 17:38:41 Global Testimony1907519

Testimonies From Malawi 1. From Namtombozi TJC

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I testify:At Namtombozi, there were two leaders who had been resisting living water baptism.Their names are Mr Kaipa and Mr McVashion. They thought only having faith and praying for others to be healed was enough. After living water baptism of other members and leaders of the church by the Missionaries from Shanghai. Some members received the Holy Spirit as they started to speak in other tongues.Then the church organised prayers and fasting to be done at the mountain. Mr Kaipa and Mr McVashion went with then to the prayer mountain. While they were at the mountain, many people saw visions of heaven open and the ladder was placed from the sky to the ground. And they saw the throne sat in the sky. Elder Maruo, pastor Rargeson and mr Matebule were up on top of the ladder.

(Comment: Elder Marou, Paster Rargeson and Mr Matebule have receive the true baptism. )

Mrs Sauka who is not educated, started praying in good English. All brethren were amazed to see mrs Sauka praying in English.

(Comment: God give her the spiritual gift of the interpretation of tongues)

Then a voice came to mr Kaipa and mr McVashion, asking them why they are resisting the truth?At this point mr Kaipa and mr McVashion confessed that they were really not believing in this baptism but now are ready to be baptised.Glory be to our Lord Jesus!As I'm talking there are about 10 brethren at Namtombozi and more than 10 at Mikundi.

2. At Bangwe there are 7 people and 19 children who want to be baptised


Glory be to Jesus, Hallelujah

2019, March


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