Difference Between Speaking in New Tongues As A Gift of Salvation And As A Spiritual Gift
To Individual: It Is A Gift of Salvation
To Whole Church: It Is A Spiritual Gift
(1)Speaking in new tongues is the least spiritual gift to church.
The spiritual gifts are given by God to church for establishing church and developing church. The spiritual gifts have different level of edification to church.. The greater spiritual gift will bring the greater edification to church, in the contrary, the least spiritual gift will bring the least edification to church. The spirit gift as prophet is prophesying to others but not to himself/herself. So prophet is one of the greatest spiritual gifts in the church. Speaking in new tongues is not understood by others, so it brings the least edification to the church. This is why speaking in new tongues is the least spiritual gift to church.
If the Holy Spirit give both of the spiritual gifts to one people at the same time in a specific time, letting him/her prophesy to church by speaking in new tongue, God must give the spiritual gift of translating the speaking in new tongue to himself/herself or another person for translating it out to church. (1 Corinthians 14:27)
(2) Speaking in new tongue is the gift of salvation to every individual.
Speaking in new tongues is praying in the Holy Spirit. Although speaking in new tongues is not understood by ourselves, it edifies our spiritual lives. Speaking in new tongues is the only sign that we receive the Holy Spirit.
How did Peter know that the family of Cornelius received the Holy Spirit? Peter knew it by seeing and hearing they speaking in new tongues. (Acts 10)
How did Paul know the disciples in Ephesus received the Holy Spirit? Paul knew it by seeing and hearing they speaking in new tongues. (Acts 19)
(3)The spiritual gifts matter the edification to others, but not matter the salvation of ourselves. However, the gift of salvation matter ourselves, but not matter others.
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Difference Between Pray by Speaking in New Tongue and Pray with Understanding
(1) Before we the Holy Spirit, we can only pray with understanding. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we can pray by speaking in new tongues. (2) Pray with understanding is available in the old covenan
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[To Know Mankind] The Tabernacle(holy temple) set by God refer to
the structure of Mankind. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessal
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