A Vision Of Brillian Light Surrounding The Preacher And Platform
In the name of Lord Jesus, I would like to share my testimony.My husband went to Shanghai to seek a business store. I kept on praying at home that "My Lord, if it is your will for us to Shanghai, I will go. I am worried to leave home since I need take care of the little baby girl with me, which is not easy. "After praying, I took the bus to Shanghai with my little baby very early at 7:30am. When I arrived Shanghai at night, my husband picked me up and we stayed for a night in True Jesus Church Minghang Church.On the second day, we were invited to the Xuhui church. After the service, my heart is up and down since I found the words they preached are some different from what I heard before. I kept on praying to God the Father. My heart is tired and we neither find a job. Then I quarreled with my husband. As a result, I planned to go back to hometown in Friday. But the mind was changed since Sabbath day was coming. We also have spiritual convocation after Sabbath day when we may pray for baptism and the Holy Spirit.I got up very early that day and clean the church. Then I prayed that "God, my Lord, can I stay in this church or not". Then my heart is peaceful after praying and I attended the gathering until 3:30PM. I saw a vision during preaching. When a sister was preaching in the platform, there was a billian light surrounding the whole platform and the sister. I feel extremely delighted. Thanks God. God has answered my praying. Today is the last days, we should share testimony for Jesus Christ. All glory to Lord Jesus. Hallelujah!
Sister Zhu CuiCui
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Five Spiritual Gifts In The Church — Apostles
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, (Ephesians 4:11)
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Blessed Is He Who Is Not Offended Because Of The Lord Jesus
Jesus we believe in today is the Lord of life. The word we believe is the Word of life.Today, the word of Jesus is the spirit and is the life. People can obtain life only by listening to the word of Jesus. We won’t have life if we don’t obey the word of Jesus.
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